Protective effects of topical antioxidants in humans.


Human studies have convincingly demonstrated pronounced photoprotective effects of ‘natural’ and synthetic antioxidants when applied topically before UVR exposure. Particularly with respect to UVB-induced skin damage such as erythema formation, the photoprotective effects of antioxidants are significant when applied in distinct mixtures in appropriate vehicles. Topical application of such combinations may result in a sustained antioxidant capacity of the skin, possibly due to antioxidant synergisms. And, since UVA-induced skin alterations are believed to be largely determined by oxidative processes [26], topical administration of antioxidants might be particularly promising [27, 28]. In fact, topical application of antioxidants or antioxidant mixtures resulted in a remarkable increase in the minimal dose to induce immediate pigment darkening after UVA exposure [18, 23] and diminished the severity of UVA-induced photodermatoses [22] in humans. In conclusion, regular application of skin care products containing antioxidants may be of the utmost benefit in efficiently preparing our skin against exogenous oxidative stressors occurring during daily life. Furthermore, sunscreening agents may also benefit from combination with antioxidants resulting in increased safety and efficacy of such photoprotective products [11, 29].