COSMETIC SKIN SOLUTIONS in-house manufacturing laboratory is legally licensed having obtained an official permit as a Cosmetic Manufacturer issued by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health stating that our establishment fully complies with the public health laws of Nevada, and the rules, regulations, and codes of the State Division of Health No. WA-41-13156 (NSPO Rev. 3-14) (O) 1557B.
The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health Environmental Health Section has also awarded COSMETIC SKIN SOLUTIONS in-house laboratory a Certificate of Free Sale and cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) certificate as the Department regulates the production, manufacture of cosmetics in Nevada, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statues, Chapters 585 and 446 stating our firm is licensed with the State of Nevada to manufacture cosmetics and is in substantial compliance with Nevada State Law No. WA-25.
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